Denis Hapi
Canadian Sculptor
Meet Denis Hapi one of Canada's successful, self-sustaining artists.
With dozens of commercially and artistically successful shows to his credit, Denis Hapi's sculptures are a treasured part of many personal and corporate collections in Canada, the US, and UK.
With a significant collection in Cambridge, England, owned by a long-time valued patron, Denis has been tapped as a leading Canadian talent by a prominent European curator.
Denis hails from corporate beginnings as a geologist and promoter on Bay Street in Toronto. There came a point where his love for the land and its ancient treasures inspired him to shake off his pinstripes and get back to his spiritual and creative self. After time spent in a Quebec monastery, Denis would permanently change his path. Many of his first creations, largely carved from natural whalebone and driftwood, remain in St. John's, Newfoundland, where he began his personal transformation. Denis settled in the Quebec townships, where he has continued his artistic journey for 30 years, working with beautiful pieces of marble, granite, soapstone, and other stunning minerals hand-selected from Quebec quarries. Commissioned pieces include "Immaculate Conception" (right), which adorns the property of St. Paul's Basilica in Toronto, Ontario.
Living in Sutton, Quebec, Denis has moved a collection of seven highly expressive monolithic sculptures and they are now dotting the landscape in the township village of Frelighsburg, Quebec, providing an attractive outdoor gallery and walking tour. Denis plans to begin restoring his outdoor gallery to museum quality, and has hankerings to begin a new two-ton creation from white Vermont marble. He has been seeking a new home in Sutton which will allow him to work and live in the same location, and provide a true gallery space for collectors and others to enjoy.
While most of Denis' work continues to be held and enjoyed by private buyers, more than 25 gallery-sized pieces are available for interested collectors, as well as the 7 large sculptures now in the community of Frelighsburg. Please contact us if you would like to purchase any of Denis' pieces shown in the online gallery.